Just for Kids – The Magic Tree Visualisation ( plus an activity)

If you are reading to a child remember to read slow and steady to allow them to form pictures in their mind to the words that you are reading.

For Kids; If you don’t have someone to read to you, an idea may be to read it and record it in your voice so you can then listen to it. Or you can read the words and simply imagine pictures to the words with your eyes open.   

The Magic Tree Visualisation

Close your eyes.

Take a big breath in and slowly breathe out.

Again, take another nice big breath in and slowly breathe out.

Imagine that you are standing in front of a big strong tree in a forest surrounded by lots of other trees.

The friendly tree says that it is very happy to see you.

The tree branches and leaves touch the other trees around it, so they all help protect the friendly animals that live in the forest underneath it.

You feel safe

You notice that you have a friendly animal by your side, it is happy to see you, because you have come to visit it’s favourite tree.

Give the tree a hug and ask the tree to take all of your worries away.

The tree knows how to turn these worries into something beautiful and send them away.

Notice how relaxed and happy you are starting to feel.

Say thank you to the tree and feel the love coming from the tree to you.

Say goodbye to the tree and your animal for now.

Give your fingers a little wiggle.

Give your toes a little wiggle.

Think about your body and feeling relaxed.

Take a big breath in and slowly breathe out.

Slowly open your eyes.

Some things to think about after doing this visualisation.

What did your animal look like?

What did your tree look like?

How did you feel when you gave your worries to the tree?


Draw a picture of your tree and your animal and keep it on your bedroom wall or put it in your journal.

Copyright 2012, Lisa Hemmings and Allan O’Keefe, www.pathofcalm.com.au