Just for Kids – Activity for The Three Owls relaxation story.
The following is an activity that can be done after listening to the relaxation story, The Three Owls, which is a track from our CD for kids. The CD is available from our online store.
How to do this simple activity.
After listening to the story, read the theme of the story or what the story is about, (see below) to the child and encourage them to do the activity which is to draw a picture of themselves surrounded by the moon and the stars.
Why do this activity.
This activity assists the child in connecting with the theme of the story, “about feeling happy in nature and accepting themselves just the way they are”.
Doing this activity helps to validate their exprience and what they may have imagined from the story, helps to embed the relaxing feeling and will also help them to remember other parts of the story that they may like to share.
What to do
Step 1. Listen to the relaxing story.
Step 2. Listen to the theme.
Theme for The Three Owls
This story talks about the owls showing you the magic of the night time, the twinkling stars, the moon and the beautiful dark blue of the night sky.
About looking at the refection in the lake of the smiling moon and the twinkling stars and when the stars twinkled, it was a message of happiness to you from the stars.
It’s a great feeling to know that all of the things in nature that are around us can make us feel happy, and being happy can make us feel good about ourselves. That’s what makes the night-time of nature magical.
It also talks about you seeing your refection in the lake, amongst the twinkling stars and the moon, and about you feeling happy because you see that you are a part of the magic of night-time.
Knowing that we can be happy just the way we are helps us to understand that it doesn’t matter what we think others see and think about us.
What is important is that we accept ourselves just the way we are.
Step 3. Do activity.
Draw a picture of you surrounded by the moon and the stars.
Lisa Hemmings and Allan O’Keefe, copyright 2012 www.pathofcalm.com